- With Libya on the brink of a collapse, any Kibaki-Gaddafi deals hang in the balance
- A member of Parliament has demanded an inquiry and full disclosure of Kenya's public and secret deals with Libya.
- 80 Kenyan's who were stranded in Libya throughout the 11-day protests have been evacuated to Egypt.
- The significance of involvement of Kenyans in Libya has not been fully disclosed, but diplomatic sources have indicated that at least two retired military officers from the Infantry and Air Force are commanding foreign mercenaries in Libya
As Kenya's General Election Nears, Political Battles Likely to Heat Up
- It has been three years since the "Grand Coalition" was formed, which means one thing of Kenya: it is only one year from a general election.
- former UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, was forced to step in and deliver a personal letter asking President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to close ranks on the nominations stalemate to lower political temperatures.
- Many Kenyans have made an attempt to stop Raila from succeeding Kibaki as the next President, joining forces to have a better shot at stopping him.
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