Sunday, February 27, 2011

Impacts, Conglomeration and the Effects it has on Media in Kenya

1. What are the main impacts of media conglomeration?

The media of Kenya is fairly equal as to who owns and runs the newspapers, television stations and radio stations. The one aspect of Kenyan media that is in jeopardy of becoming a conglomeration is the newspapers. Nation Media Group owns 3/4 of the country's print media. They own The Nation, East African, and Taifa Leo. The Standard, Kenya's oldest newspaper, is the only privately owned print media circulation left.

Television in Kenya is much more equal than the newspapers. Kenya Broadcasting Company (KBC) is probably the largest group in television, but there are plenty of private owned stations. KBC is probably the most widely watched television station in Kenya, but there are six other privately owned stations available for viewers.

Kenyan Radio is also very open to enterprise and competition. KBC has a news station, and a music station which are widely listened to, but there are many other privately owned options for listeners. There are seven privately owned radio stations that cater to a variety of taste's and languages. There is even a station that targets Nairobi's Asian population.

2. How is conglomeration affecting other countries, markets?

Kenya's pseudo-conglomerations are helping other countries and other markets. Their affinity for media sets a framework for other countries to set up their own media identity. A main example of how Kenya's media is helping other countries is that Nation Media Group has all of their newspapers printed in Nairobi. It is giving the people of Nairobi extra job opportunities, and allowing them to see how a newspaper is created.

3. How is conglomeration affecting your country?

Because there are still many privately owned options available, I think the conglomeration that Nation Media Group has on print media is a healthy one. Nation Media Group has come up with three amazing newspapers, each of which cover different aspects of what is going on in Kenya. The Standard, which is privately owned, is still the second largest circulation in Kenya, and it still gives some competiton to the three NMG papers.

4. Can you notice the effects on your country's media?

So far I have not been able to notice any effects. The Standard is still a very strong newspaper, while television and radio stations are thriving in the shadow of KBC.

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